Category Reviews

Donald Russell Christmas Party Box

Christmas parties can be such a drag as there is so much to shop for and prepare. How great would it be if we had a team of elves helping us out in the kitchen. It’s not just the big Christmas lunch, there are also all the canapes and tid bits that we ambitiously want […]

The QOOQ Tablet Roadtest

If you are a regular cook, you would probably have struggled to keep your laptop or tablet away from the food and liquids in the kitchen while trying to read a recipe or watch a cooking video. The answer to this is the QOOQ tablet that is a rugged, waterproof tablet designed for to be […]

Book Review – Reza’s Indian Spice

A great book of Indian recipes that have been adapted for Western kitchens but still keeping the Indian flavours and taste. Read the full review and recipe of Scallops with Ginger and Coconut here: